
  • Mortification- great embarrassment and shame
  • Discrepancy- a lack of compatibility or similarity between two or more facts
  • Emulate- match or surpass(a person or achievement) typically by imitation
  • Deferential- showing deference; respectful
  • Incongruous- not in harmony or keeping with the surroundings or other aspects of surroundings 
  • Zany- amusingly unconventional and idiosyncratic
  • Acquisitions- an asset or object bought or obtained, typically by a library or museum 
  • Septuagenarian- a person who is from 70 to 79 years old 
  • Truism- a statement that is obviously true and says nothing new or interesting

    Many people that depend on government assistance experience mortification. They feel a lot of discrepancy towards higher class citizens. For example, when a family  goes grocery shopping with food stamps, they may feel as though they need to emulate higher class citizens by buying a large number of groceries. Some employees that work at grocery stores may show a deferential attitude towards them. Meanwhile other employees show no sympathy at all, feeling as though lower class citizens are lazy and that their taxes are going to waste. Section 8 also makes people on government assistance appear incongruous. For instance, children that live in these homes may be described as zany or compared to historical acquisitions by peers or higher ranking people. Such truism can be recalled by even a septuagenarian.


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