Effort is Everything

Today we watched a video that was supposed to “set the mood” for the remainder of the semester. It was another motivational speech which proved that Effort is Everything. The video made me feel targeted as well as inspired me to work harder. It caused me to feel some type of way because I always been labeled as one of the smart kids way before I was knowledgeable to the advantages and opportunities that “ smart kids” have. I never asked for a handout but instead I always work hard to maintain my grades and even when I feel myself slacking, I put forth my best effort to follow through. However, in the video I felt that he was portraying people like me as people who don’t work hard for what we have, in which we do. Im not a genius but I turned to school work as my escape, so I feel as though us “smart kids” should receive out credit as well. We were also introduced to The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer.


  1. The video inspired me as well, and I am going to always remember Effort is Everything.


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